Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Busy summer at Fitz2kleen

Cleaning of all kinds

Summer time is always a busy time for us and this year has been no exception.
We have undertaken a wide variety of jobs for an even wider variety of customers.

 Keeping outdoor areas clean , tidy at weed free!

Dealing with the aftermath of sudden rainfall

 Clearing up the mess
Lots of debris from collapsed ceilings
 The race was on to get the store back open to the public
 Exracting the flood water
 Drying equipment quickly installed to speed up the drying
and minimise secondary damage

 Less than 24 hours later the shop was able to open again.

We've also had the usual influx of carpet cleaning for both domestic and commercial customers as well as dealing with end of tenancy cleaning and property maintenance for a lot of student rental properties.

 Dirty showers
 Neglected bedrooms

 Unhygienic kitchens
 Trashed carpets

School cleaning 

Initially we were asked to carry out carpet cleaning at a large primary school.
As part of the school was being redecorated this needed to be done in two stages.
After carrying out the first stage, we were then asked if we would also be able to carry out a deep clean to all of the classrooms and also to clean ALL of the children's chairs, all 450 of them, which turned out to be 550 at the final count.

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